NFPA Performance Data
Manufacturers' Spreading & Cutting Forces:
- Forces listed are flattering to the manufacturer, but often not realistic.
- Forces are measured by different methods, making realistic comparison between brands impossible.
- Always demand actual NFPA performance data, on manufacturers' official printed documents.
More information on how NFPA calculates their force numbers.
NFPA Spreading Forces:
- Measured at "tip of the tips", 10 uniformly spaced points along arc of spread, from tips closed to tips 95% open.
- NPFA-LSF - Lowest Spreading Force. Most important comparison. Measured @ tip-of-the-tips when arms are just beginning to spread (<1% open).
- NPFA-HSF - Highest Spreading Force. At "tip of the tips", when spreader arms are 95% open.
NFPA Cutting Forces:
- Cutting performance, based on cutting 5 different shapes of material rather than theoretical "pounds of force".
- Each of 5 shapes has 9 different sizes and thicknesses.
- Ex: Genesis C-165 Cutter, A8/B6/C6/D7/E9. "A8" shows ability to cut 1 1/2" thick A-36 HR solid steel round bar.
Step 1: Confirm NFPA / Inspect the Label
Confirm that the tool has an actual NFPA 1936 label, which are required on tools sold as being “NFPA Compliant”. If no label…the tool is not compliant, no matter what the salesperson says. Realize that for companies that have NFPA compliant equipment, often many of their products do not comply. Confirm the products you are considering are actually NFPA Compliant!
Genesis Rescue Tools are tested by TUV, the largest testing company in the world. Other testing laboratories include UL and SEI.
Step 2: Demand NFPA Performance Data
Make certain you have official printed documents from each manufacturer, and that the documents show their products’ actual NFPA testing data.

Step 3: Compare the Data!
Compare the actual NFPA data. Be skeptical in regards to non-NFPA data.